Today's Quote

It happens to me

Well, if you don't have work at office and if there is no one to chat with you, or scrap you "Hi hru?" then you come to blog. I don't have no other go. So, here comes my next post.

I thought for a long time on the theme for this post. If your brain was suffering from malaise for a few days it seems that even if you try hard it may take sometime to pick up after that. No wonder I spent much time on deciding the theme for this post. So, I decided on my theme for this post. Yes, I am going to discuss about one of the great days I had in my life.

May 13th 2008, 7:00 AM

There was a ringing noise inside my brain. It takes sometime to realize that it was someone's alarm that's ringing. Then I realized that it was mine. I decided to woke up early that day. Why? Well I don't want to spoil the surprise. When I was fully dressed my mobile shows the time as 8:15 AM. I know it was quite early to go to office. But I have to. I had my breakfast and reached my office by 9:00 AM sharp. I logged into my system and scanned through my new mails. My system clock reads 9:05 AM, when my Principle Engineer came to his desk. Why isn't that happening yet?? Then I got a new mail from my manager. Dammed!! I have already waited for one day(It is supposed to happen the day before) and still I need to wait for 5 more minutes. At 9:55 AM, I was with my manager inside the meeting room. That thing which kept me waiting was just a couple of foot away from me. My manager was giving a long speech which I can't ignore because I am the only one listening. After 10 minutes, he took the envelope, opened it and dragged the letter outside. Then he said the golden words to me, "Raghu you got promoted from 'Associate Software Development Engineer' to 'Software Development Engineer'. And you get a hike of **%" That’s a magical number which was tabooed. When I left the room, I am very happy as that was my first Promotion and first Hike.

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